We provide independent, cost-effective dispute resolution services to sporting bodies, athletes and support personnel.
What we offer
We can offer mediation services to clubs and members of Gippsland sporting clubs.
A GippSport staff member (who holds a current national accreditation in mediation services) helps parties work out their own solutions, focusing on mutual interests and finding a mutual agreement. The agreement can be in writing (if both parties agree) but is a non-binding legal agreement.
What is the process
The mediation session takes up to 3 hours and follows the 12 step mediation process. This process is a nationally accredited system and has been proven to have a good success rate as both parties come up with their own solutions and the mediator facilitates the process ensuring respect, fairness and equity is upheld.
Process of Mediation
- Make contact with GippSport
- Discussion with GippSport regarding the process
- Complete the application form and make payment
- Parties complete basic statement/written or verbal
- Date and location set for mediation

Meditation Session (Up to 3 Hour Session)
12 Step Mediation Process:

First Steps
Make contact with us to discuss your situation and see if our service will be beneficial to your particular circumstances. Contact info@gippsport.com.au or (03) 5175 3020. Both parties to the dispute need to voluntary agree to partake.

Mediation session
The session can be in person or offered online.
Examples of when mediation is appropriate
A past President of a club has been unhappy with the direction of the club and the current committee believe they have been unfairly blamed for certain outcomes. Both parties want to resolve this but haven’t been able to sit down and discuss it as there is fear the situation will be further inflamed.
Two clubs who share the one facility have been having difficulties coming to a resolution around access points to their facility and other logistical arrangements between the clubs, especially during a small cross over of seasons period. There has been an odd face to face argument between members and aggressive e-mails exchanged. Both clubs just want to get on with what they love most, play the sport they love and do not want any angst between them.
A club has issued their part-time coach, who is paid on a casual basis, an employment contract but the coach is not wanting to sign it. Each time both parties raise their side of the story the conversation gets a little heated and becomes uncomfortable. The club are claiming it is a legal requirement. The coach wants to continue coaching there but feels their specific concerns over parts of the contract are not being considered.
A minimum cost of $300.00 plus $120 per hour for any additional time. If face to face is requested and travel incurred extra cost is $60 per hour (travel time) plus $1 per km.